
10 posts

Ongoing New Art on Instagram

@razorberries on Instagram

I’ve been drawing and writing a lot of new art for the past year and have scheduled 3+ months of it to automatically post on my Instagram. These posts have been appearing on a schedule since New Year’s Day. They are watercolor and ink paintings and word drawlings, usually accompanied by a caption. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep this going, but so far it’s been fun creating these ahead of time and using Instagram and scheduling apps to share some of my new work.

New posts appear on Tuesdays and Fridays: @razorberries Please enjoy viewing and reading and getting FOMO from all the nights I’ve been working.

The Tale of Tattletail

I’m excited to be a part of the SPECIES Showcase by Animal, coming soon to New Delhi, India. Artists were asked to create artwork of an animal. The only rule is that it had to be in the shape of the Animal logo. So, I created “Tattletail” inspired by parakeets.


The title of my Animal artwork is Tattletail, emphasizing the long tails of parakeets. When I was a kid, I got an aqua-colored parakeet named Kesha for my birthday. He was a sweet little bird, who learned how to talk and even tried to compose his own phrases. Eventually, he passed away. I missed him a lot. Years later, I did what any well-adjusted teenager would have done: I got a new aqua-colored parakeet and named him Kesha. But this one had a completely different personality and didn’t talk. That’s when reality hit me like a ton of bird droppings: No matter how similar the characteristics, each animal is unique and tells its story in its own way.

Additionally, here’s a tiny video I made that shows the drawing process and close-ups:

(Song: “I Like Birds” – The Eels)

A Lesson On Improvement and Improvisation From A Flower

“Improve-isation” is an illustration I created in 2009, while living in Peoria Heights, IL. A couple days ago, I saw this little sunflower growing on a highway in Milwaukee, WI, while on the way to the Paul McCartney concert.

When I created the artwork, I was inspired by the nature preserve I lived next to, where I went hiking in the trails nearly every morning. This real sunflower is very persistent on growing, even in the asphalt, because that’s what sunflowers do!

Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? This is great example that sometimes all a little seed needs is a little dirt and a little water to create something beautiful in the most unexpected place. Go on to bigger and better things, little sunflower!

Brrrds Chillin in Chicago


Oh, snow!

It snowed again. A whopping 3 inches. With all the reports raving about the WINTER STORM HEADING FOR CHICAGO, I mildly pondered if I should have shopped for the groceries I’ve been neglecting to go get for the past week, before the snow comes. But then I fell asleep.

I happened to have experienced the Snowpocalypse of 2011 when I’d been living in Chicago for just 4 months at the time. I had just gotten a new job, and even though every place was closed, somehow my mind tried to convince me, “Where is your dedication to your job?! You still have to show up!” So when I couldn’t access my car or public transportation to get to work, I tried calling the store (no one picked up) and I panicked my way through the day, hoping I won’t get fired. By the next day I had to work, most of the streets have been cleaned and, of course, it was just a regular day. I found out that the day of the Snowpocalypse, the store was closed because no employees could make it in. And there was no one at the store to take calls for people calling off work! Duh. I’d been panicking for no reason.

Ah, those were the good, old, anxiety-ridden days. Since identifying as an introvert and reading a little here and there about introversion, I learned that anxiety is just a part of the personality. Well, no wonder, since introversion is looked upon as a weakness! A weakness deemed by who? Extroverts? SOME extroverts? Introphobes?

Whatever. Introverts know themselves better than anyone else does.  Some things are not worth getting worked up about. Most introverts are chill and stay true-blue, like these Brrrds of a feather who chill together 🙂



What better day to reveal this new piece than Valentine’s Day. It may have been labeled as a Hallmark holiday, but to me, it’s a day that celebrates love & passions.

I created this in watercolor & ink and it’s 20×30 inches, largest I’ve painted so far. I even changed the title a few times, deciding to stick with “Glow,” because it rhymes with the word ‘go’. A big painting with a little reminder that you are the light at the end of the tunnel.

You may have heard the quotes, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” And, “The light at the end of the tunnel.” And then, Aerosmith said, “There’s something wrong with the world today, the light bulb is getting dim.”

Imagine that we, the humanity as a whole, are that light bulb. Each one of us is a little ball of energy contributing to the brightness. Each one wants something to happen.

But hoping, wishing, waiting, talking, and thinking about what we want doesn’t make anything happen. Any change that we want to happen begins within ourselves first. The only way the light bulb can be brighter is if each one of us becomes a little brighter. It’s a lifelong process.

The best part of all is that you get to decide what all of this means and you get to decide what works for you.

Season’s Greetings! A (gross) greeting card for you.

(But that’s snot how you’re supposed to deck the halls.)

For the past few years, I’ve created a holiday card for you to print and share. This year is no different. Just a little gross.

‘Tis the season to take extra good care of yourself to stay clear of colds or the flu. But if you still really like sharing gross stuff with your family and friends, “Gross Greeting” is available as an easy DIY greeting card:

1. Print
2. Cut & fold
3. Write a message
4. Try really hard to make sure that the only type of grossness you might be giving to your loved ones this season is just in the form of this card.

Too busy for DIY?
You can get these cards already made. Order them at RedBubble. Discount of 30% on every order of 16+ cards:

I hope your holidays are happy and healthy!

My 2-year Chicago Anniversary and New Clarity Print

Today marks 2 years since I moved to Chicago and I’d like to celebrate by releasing a new print.


You’ll find signed prints in my Etsy shop. For unsigned prints, framed prints, Tshirts, hoodies, iPhone cases/skins, totebags, and more check out my shop at Society6.

Moving somewhere may not sound like too big of a deal, but it is to me. It’s part of life’s process and progress. I’ve been trying to move here to Chicago since our plane landed at O’Hare in 1994 and we immigrated from Ukraine to America. I’ve lived in Wisconsin Dells, Galesburg, and Peoria before finally getting here. I love Chicago and so glad to be here. Chicago really feels more like home, a feeling I’ve been missing since moving away from the city I was born in, Kiev.

A lot of things happen in our lives that allow us to realize different types of clarity. Even in just the last 2 years , I’ve really had my share of it, but I’ll save that for other posts. For now, I’d just like to celebrate 🙂